3 days in the Transkei on the Wildrun (www.wildrun.co.za), 112 kms and about 21 running hours later. 1 x bruised bashed knee, 1 x vrot toe - no skin left, 1 x very proud person.
Fi and I flew down on Wed and then caught the transfer bus to Kei mouth. There was lots of nervous cheeky chatter in the bus with most people saying they hadn't trained enough - hmph those that say that the loudest are the biggest fibbers! We had briefing, dinner unpacked and repacked bags and had an unsettled nights sleep.
Day 1 45km +-7h50m, Kei Mouth - Kobb Inn
We set off early the next morning and caught the ferry across the Kei Mouth. It was freezing cold!
It was a long long loooooong day - 45kms, just under 8 hours. In my bid to keep my feet dry I took a lot of sand in the front of my shoes which caused a blister on my 2nd toe. I strapped it up but made the error of not taping the toe next to it - more on this later. When my shoes did eventually get wet it stopped the sand coming in and saved my toes from further damage. I battled a bit with energy and trying to maintain good intake of fuel. The last river crossing and sight of Cobb Inn was very welcome. I loaded up on food and had a more uneasy nights sleep - I was stiff, sore and my feet really sore! I had caused a large blister on the toe next to the strapped one.
Day 2 - 35km +- 7hours Kobb Inn - The Haven
I took a fall about 2kms into the race. Once again I was trying to not get my feet wet (silly girl) and paid a steep price on a very slippy snotty rock with a very painful knock to my knee and scraping off of skin. The knee got more and more inflamed as the day wore on and I got slower and slower. Fiona disappeared at some point. I ran most of day by myself and really enjoyed the solitude. I only got a little bit lost so felt really good at the self navigation but it was always a relief to see the photographer coz then I knew I was still in the right place. The rule was pretty simple - keep the sea on your right at ALL times!! The downhills were seriously painful but I shuffled along. This sort of event requires digging really deep and just ensuring one step at a time is made in the direction of home - which was The Haven - which was similar to Heaven to me at that point. Once again LOADS of food and even a savanna in the evening! Toe was restrapped and I had a voltarun tablet for the knee.
Day 3 - 35km +- 6 hours The Haven - Hole in the Wall
I should have had a Voltarun jab for the knee but there were so many walking wounded at the medics that I gave it up. Ooops bit of error there! Anyway I was really fit and strong by this day, not to mention mentally good with it being the final day. Fi and I stayed together on this day. Once again beautiful beaches, wild headlands, big hills to climb and descend. I got to the medics and got a voltarun tablet. There was only one support table a day but they were good and full of cheerful people and energy-filled drinks. I ran strong on the flats, walked well on the ups and hobbled the downs! We were accosted by kiddies asking for sweeeeets sweeeets and even one cheeky chap wanting R10! We climbed a seemingly never-ending set of mountains - up, down, up, down, up..... And of course you eventually get to that final up - oh my that sight of The Hole in The Wall was spectacular. I couldn't speed my way down - hobble, huff, cheer, hobble, huff, cheer! I even forgot about the Zambezi sharks in this final river crossing. Fi and I giggled our way across the river to the end. Gosh what an achievement and adventure. I was very privileged to run in that beautiful part of the country and very blessed to have the body and head to carry me through it all.
What a cool adventure we had. We knew there would be pain and it wouldn't last (or not for too long) but the memories...wow. The memories make it all worthwhile.
ReplyDeleteWell done my friend.